United Nations

United NationsThe United Nations has issued a rare call to halt arms sales to Myanmar in response to this year’s violent military coup.

The General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning the military junta, which overthrew the country’s elected government in February. The UN also called for the release of political detainees, such as elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi, and an end to violence against peaceful protesters.

While not legally binding, the resolution is politically significant. UN Special Envoy on Myanmar Christine Schraner Burgener told the General Assembly that the risk of a large-scale civil war is real, time is of the essence. The opportunity to reverse the military takeover is narrowing. It was supported by 119 countries, with Belarus the only one to vote against it.

Another 36 countries abstained, including Russia and China – the Myanmar military’s two biggest arms suppliers. Some of the abstainers said, the crisis was an internal issue for Myanmar, while others said, the resolution did not address a brutal military crackdown on the Rohingya Muslim population four years ago, which forced almost a million people to flee the country.

The EU’s UN Ambassador Olof Skoog said, the resolution delegitimizes the military junta, condemns its abuse and violence against its own people, and demonstrates its isolation in the eyes of the world. But, Myanmar’s UN Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, who represents the country’s elected civilian government said, he was disappointed by how long it took for the General Assembly to pass what he called a watered-down resolution.

Ms. Suu Kyi has been held under house arrest since the coup, and little has been seen or heard of her, with the exception of brief court appearances. The military has justified seizing power in February, alleging voter fraud in General Elections held last November. But, independent election monitors say the election was largely free and fair and the charges against Suu Kyi have been widely criticized as politically motivated.

Vishal Sharma
Vishal Sharma

Vishal is a technology enthusiast with journalistic leanings. He was one of the first bloggers in India, coming online in 1994, even before the internet was available on a widespread basis in India. Vishal is a cybersecurity consultant working as an independent contractor for Google. A journalist with a career spanning over 20 years, he has worked for several national English dailies including The Pioneer, Indian Express, Business Standard, and more. He has also worked for Indo-American Times, and India Monthly magazine, based in the United States of America. Besides being on the editorial board of Vijayupadhyay.com, he also publishes Indian Talent Magazine, an internationally acclaimed talent promotion publication. He has extensive experience in corporate branding, online publishing, and advertising. He started Vikirna Mediatek in 2018 with a vision to bring affordable technology solutions to the common masses of an India which is fast becoming Digital, walking on the path that was heralded by the late Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi and forwarded by the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

By Vishal Sharma

Vishal is a technology enthusiast with journalistic leanings. He was one of the first bloggers in India, coming online in 1994, even before the internet was available on a widespread basis in India. Vishal is a cybersecurity consultant working as an independent contractor for Google. A journalist with a career spanning over 20 years, he has worked for several national English dailies including The Pioneer, Indian Express, Business Standard, and more. He has also worked for Indo-American Times, and India Monthly magazine, based in the United States of America. Besides being on the editorial board of Vijayupadhyay.com, he also publishes Indian Talent Magazine, an internationally acclaimed talent promotion publication. He has extensive experience in corporate branding, online publishing, and advertising. He started Vikirna Mediatek in 2018 with a vision to bring affordable technology solutions to the common masses of an India which is fast becoming Digital, walking on the path that was heralded by the late Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi and forwarded by the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi.